Lavastorm Desktop Public Edition 4.6.0 Antivirus-Bericht

Antivirus-Bericht für LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe (174.07 MB)
Download3K hat Lavastorm Desktop Public Edition 4.6.0 am 23 Nov 2013 heruntergeladen und getestet und dabei nur die besten heute verfügbaren Antivirus-Engines verwendet.

Wir haben es frei von alle Viren, Spyware, Adware, etc. gefunden. Komplette Berichte sind unten verfügbar.

Wir werden Lavastorm Desktop Public Edition bereits mit dem neuen Version des Programms überprüfen, um sicherzustellen Sie werden zukünftig den aktualisierten Bericht überprüfen.
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Avast Scan-Bericht: Sauber
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>nsis.hdr OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\System.dll OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\modern-wizard.bmp OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\nsDialogs.dll OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\StartMenu.dll OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\modern-header.bmp OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\$PLUGINSDIR\i-scratchdir.ini OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\$PLUGINSDIR\i-desktopicons.ini OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>atl90.dll.30729.6161.Microsoft_VC90_ATL_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>catalog.30729.6161.Microsoft_VC90_ATL_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>catalog.30729.6161.Microsoft_VC90_CRT_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>catalog.30729.6161.Microsoft_VC90_MFC_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>catalog.30729.6161.Microsoft_VC90_MFCLOC_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>catalog.30729.6161.Microsoft_VC90_OpenMP_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>catalog.30729.6161.policy_9_0_Microsoft_VC90_ATL_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>catalog.30729.6161.policy_9_0_Microsoft_VC90_CRT_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>catalog.30729.6161.policy_9_0_Microsoft_VC90_MFC_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>catalog.30729.6161.policy_9_0_Microsoft_VC90_MFCLOC_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>catalog.30729.6161.policy_9_0_Microsoft_VC90_OpenMP_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>FL_msdia71_dll_2_60035_x86_ln.3643236F_FC70_11D3_A536_0090278A1BB8 OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>manifest.30729.6161.Microsoft_VC90_ATL_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>manifest.30729.6161.Microsoft_VC90_CRT_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>manifest.30729.6161.Microsoft_VC90_MFC_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>manifest.30729.6161.Microsoft_VC90_MFCLOC_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>manifest.30729.6161.Microsoft_VC90_OpenMP_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>mfc90.dll.30729.6161.Microsoft_VC90_MFC_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>mfc90chs.dll.30729.6161.Microsoft_VC90_MFCLOC_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>mfc90cht.dll.30729.6161.Microsoft_VC90_MFCLOC_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>mfc90deu.dll.30729.6161.Microsoft_VC90_MFCLOC_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>mfc90enu.dll.30729.6161.Microsoft_VC90_MFCLOC_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>mfc90esn.dll.30729.6161.Microsoft_VC90_MFCLOC_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>mfc90esp.dll.30729.6161.Microsoft_VC90_MFCLOC_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>mfc90fra.dll.30729.6161.Microsoft_VC90_MFCLOC_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>mfc90ita.dll.30729.6161.Microsoft_VC90_MFCLOC_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>mfc90jpn.dll.30729.6161.Microsoft_VC90_MFCLOC_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>mfc90kor.dll.30729.6161.Microsoft_VC90_MFCLOC_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>mfc90rus.dll.30729.6161.Microsoft_VC90_MFCLOC_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>mfc90u.dll.30729.6161.Microsoft_VC90_MFC_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>mfcm90.dll.30729.6161.Microsoft_VC90_MFC_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>mfcm90u.dll.30729.6161.Microsoft_VC90_MFC_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>msvcm90.dll.30729.6161.Microsoft_VC90_CRT_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>msvcp90.dll.30729.6161.Microsoft_VC90_CRT_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>msvcr90.dll.30729.6161.Microsoft_VC90_CRT_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>nosxs_atl90.dll OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>nosxs_mfc90.dll OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>nosxs_mfc90chs.dll OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>nosxs_mfc90cht.dll OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>nosxs_mfc90deu.dll OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>nosxs_mfc90enu.dll OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>nosxs_mfc90esn.dll OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>nosxs_mfc90esp.dll OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>nosxs_mfc90fra.dll OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>nosxs_mfc90ita.dll OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>nosxs_mfc90jpn.dll OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>nosxs_mfc90kor.dll OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>nosxs_mfc90rus.dll OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>nosxs_mfc90u.dll OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>nosxs_mfcm90.dll OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>nosxs_mfcm90u.dll OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>nosxs_msvcm90.dll OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>nosxs_msvcp90.dll OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>nosxs_msvcr90.dll OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>nosxs_vcomp90.dll OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>policy.30729.6161.policy_9_0_Microsoft_VC90_ATL_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>policy.30729.6161.policy_9_0_Microsoft_VC90_CRT_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>policy.30729.6161.policy_9_0_Microsoft_VC90_MFC_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>policy.30729.6161.policy_9_0_Microsoft_VC90_MFCLOC_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>policy.30729.6161.policy_9_0_Microsoft_VC90_OpenMP_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>ul_atl90.dll.30729.6161.Microsoft_VC90_ATL_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>ul_catalog.30729.6161.Microsoft_VC90_ATL_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>ul_catalog.30729.6161.Microsoft_VC90_CRT_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>ul_catalog.30729.6161.Microsoft_VC90_MFC_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>ul_catalog.30729.6161.Microsoft_VC90_MFCLOC_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>ul_catalog.30729.6161.Microsoft_VC90_OpenMP_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>ul_catalog.30729.6161.policy_9_0_Microsoft_VC90_ATL_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>ul_catalog.30729.6161.policy_9_0_Microsoft_VC90_CRT_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>ul_catalog.30729.6161.policy_9_0_Microsoft_VC90_MFC_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>ul_catalog.30729.6161.policy_9_0_Microsoft_VC90_MFCLOC_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>ul_catalog.30729.6161.policy_9_0_Microsoft_VC90_OpenMP_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>ul_manifest.30729.6161.Microsoft_VC90_ATL_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>ul_manifest.30729.6161.Microsoft_VC90_CRT_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>ul_manifest.30729.6161.Microsoft_VC90_MFC_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>ul_manifest.30729.6161.Microsoft_VC90_MFCLOC_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>ul_manifest.30729.6161.Microsoft_VC90_OpenMP_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>ul_mfc90.dll.30729.6161.Microsoft_VC90_MFC_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>ul_mfc90chs.dll.30729.6161.Microsoft_VC90_MFCLOC_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>ul_mfc90cht.dll.30729.6161.Microsoft_VC90_MFCLOC_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>ul_mfc90deu.dll.30729.6161.Microsoft_VC90_MFCLOC_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>ul_mfc90enu.dll.30729.6161.Microsoft_VC90_MFCLOC_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>ul_mfc90esn.dll.30729.6161.Microsoft_VC90_MFCLOC_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>ul_mfc90esp.dll.30729.6161.Microsoft_VC90_MFCLOC_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>ul_mfc90fra.dll.30729.6161.Microsoft_VC90_MFCLOC_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>ul_mfc90ita.dll.30729.6161.Microsoft_VC90_MFCLOC_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>ul_mfc90jpn.dll.30729.6161.Microsoft_VC90_MFCLOC_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>ul_mfc90kor.dll.30729.6161.Microsoft_VC90_MFCLOC_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>ul_mfc90rus.dll.30729.6161.Microsoft_VC90_MFCLOC_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>ul_mfc90u.dll.30729.6161.Microsoft_VC90_MFC_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>ul_mfcm90.dll.30729.6161.Microsoft_VC90_MFC_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>ul_mfcm90u.dll.30729.6161.Microsoft_VC90_MFC_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>ul_msvcm90.dll.30729.6161.Microsoft_VC90_CRT_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>ul_msvcp90.dll.30729.6161.Microsoft_VC90_CRT_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>ul_msvcr90.dll.30729.6161.Microsoft_VC90_CRT_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>ul_policy.30729.6161.policy_9_0_Microsoft_VC90_ATL_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>ul_policy.30729.6161.policy_9_0_Microsoft_VC90_CRT_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>ul_policy.30729.6161.policy_9_0_Microsoft_VC90_MFC_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>ul_policy.30729.6161.policy_9_0_Microsoft_VC90_MFCLOC_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>ul_policy.30729.6161.policy_9_0_Microsoft_VC90_OpenMP_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>ul_vcomp90.dll.30729.6161.Microsoft_VC90_OpenMP_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>|>vcomp90.dll.30729.6161.Microsoft_VC90_OpenMP_x86.QFE OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|> OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>vc_red.msi|>01_Validation OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>vc_red.msi|>01Property OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>vc_red.msi|>01Error OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>vc_red.msi|>01File OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>vc_red.msi|>01Registry OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>vc_red.msi|>01_Columns OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>vc_red.msi|>01Feature OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>vc_red.msi|>01Component OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>vc_red.msi|>01Directory OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>vc_red.msi|>01_StringData OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>vc_red.msi|>01_StringPool OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>vc_red.msi|>01AdminExecuteSequence OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>vc_red.msi|>01AdminUISequence OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>vc_red.msi|>01MsiFileHash OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>vc_red.msi|>01MsiAssembly OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>vc_red.msi|>01CustomAction OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>vc_red.msi|>01MsiSFCBypass OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>vc_red.msi|>01InstallUISequence OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>vc_red.msi|>01FeatureComponents OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>vc_red.msi|>01MsiAssemblyName OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>vc_red.msi|>Binary.SxsUninstallCA OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>vc_red.msi|>Binary.BIN_DDSESTUB_x86 OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>vc_red.msi|>01FeatureExtensionData OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>vc_red.msi|>01AdvtExecuteSequence OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>vc_red.msi|>01InstallExecuteSequence OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>vc_red.msi|>_5_SummaryInformation OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>vc_red.msi|>_5_DigitalSignature OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$PLUGINSDIR\vcredist_x86.exe|>vc_red.msi|>MsiDigitalCertificate.MsftCert23.cer.947D4474BA6E OK
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LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>encodings\cp850.pyc OK
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LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>encodings\cp858.pyc OK
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LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>encodings\cp864.pyc OK
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LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>encodings\cp875.pyc OK
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LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>encodings\euc_kr.pyc OK
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LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>encodings\koi8_u.pyc OK
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LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>encodings\mac_arabic.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>encodings\mac_centeuro.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>encodings\mac_croatian.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>encodings\mac_cyrillic.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>encodings\mac_farsi.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>encodings\mac_greek.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>encodings\mac_iceland.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>encodings\mac_latin2.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>encodings\mac_roman.pyc OK
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LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>encodings\mbcs.pyc OK
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LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>encodings\rot_13.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>encodings\shift_jis.pyc OK
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LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>encodings\shift_jisx0213.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>encodings\string_escape.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>encodings\tis_620.pyc OK
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LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>encodings\utf_16_be.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>encodings\utf_16_le.pyc OK
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LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>encodings\utf_7.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>encodings\utf_8.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>encodings\utf_8_sig.pyc OK
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LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>functools.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>genericpath.pyc OK
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LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>hashlib.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>heapq.pyc OK
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LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>opcode.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>optparse.pyc OK
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LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>random.pyc OK
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LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>tempfile.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>textwrap.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>threading.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>token.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>tokenize.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>traceback.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>types.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>unittest\__init__.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>unittest\case.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>unittest\loader.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>unittest\main.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>unittest\result.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>unittest\runner.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>unittest\signals.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>unittest\suite.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>unittest\util.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>warnings.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>weakref.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>xml\__init__.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>xml\parsers\__init__.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>xml\parsers\expat.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>zipfile.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>pywin\__init__.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>pywin\dialogs\__init__.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>pywin\dialogs\list.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>pywin\dialogs\status.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>pywin\mfc\__init__.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>pywin\mfc\dialog.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>pywin\mfc\object.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>pywin\mfc\thread.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>pywin\mfc\window.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>pythoncom.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>commctrl.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>pywintypes.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>win32con.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>winerror.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>win32com\__init__.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>win32com\client\CLSIDToClass.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>win32com\client\__init__.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>win32com\client\build.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>win32com\client\dynamic.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>win32com\client\gencache.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>win32com\client\genpy.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>win32com\client\makepy.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>win32com\client\selecttlb.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>win32com\client\util.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>win32com\shell\__init__.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>win32com\shell\shellcon.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>wx\__init__.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>wx\__version__.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>wx\_controls.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>wx\_core.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>wx\_gdi.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>wx\_misc.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>wx\_windows.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>wx\grid.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>wx\html.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>jigsaw\__init__.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>jigsaw\dateTimeUtil.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>jigsaw\fileSequencer.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\ OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>_hashlib.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>_socket.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>_ssl.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>bz2.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>pyexpat.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>select.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>unicodedata.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>win32api.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>win32pipe.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>StringIO.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>UserDict.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>__future__.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>_abcoll.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>_strptime.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>_threading_local.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>_weakrefset.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>abc.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe|>$INSTDIR\bin\windows-x86-32\laeHelpers\|>atexit.pyc OK
LAE 4.6.0 LDR

# Number of scanned files: 101422
# Number of scanned folders: 0
# Number of infected files: 0
# Total size of scanned files: 1384362787
# Virus database: 130502-1, 05/02/13
# Total scan time: 0:3:24

AVG Scan-Bericht: Sauber
AVG 2013 AntiVirus command line scanner
Copyright (c) 1992 - 2012 AVG Technologies
Program version 2013.0.3426, engine 2013.0.3629
Virus Database: Version 3629/6859 2013-11-22

Test started: 23.11.2013 7:20:49
Duration of test: 2 minute(s) 31 second(s)
Objects scanned : 30725
Found infections : 0
Found rootkit : 0
Found high severity : 0
Found med severity : 0
Found info severity : 0
Fixed rootkit : 0
Fixed high severity : 0
Fixed med severity : 0
Fixed info severity : 0

Avira Scan-Bericht: Sauber
Avira / Windows Version
Copyright (c) 2010 by Avira GmbH
All rights reserved.

engine set:
VDF Version:

Scan start time: 11/23/2013 8:56:18 AM
Command line: g:\scancl.exe --nombr --showall --verboselog /a /z /s --log=d:\scanner\output.tmp d:\scanner\downloads\390506\LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe

configuration file: g:\scancl.conf
d:\scanner\downloads\390506\LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe
Date: 23.11.2013 Time: 08:51:19 Size: 182524246

Statistics :
Directories............... : 0
Archives.................. : 1
Files..................... : 103187
Infected.............. : 0
Warnings.............. : 0
Suspicious............ : 0
Infections................ : 0
Time...................... : 00:07:36

Kaspersky Scan-Bericht: Sauber
2013-11-23 09:03:59 Scan_Objects$120644 starting 1%
; --- Settings ---
; Action on detect: Disinfect automatically
; Scan objects: All objects
; Use iChecker: No
; Use iSwift: No
; Try disinfect: No
; Try delete: No
; Try delete container: No
; Exclude by mask: No
; Include by mask: No
; Objects to scan:
; "LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe" Enable = Yes Recursive = No
; ------------------
2013-11-23 09:03:59 Scan_Objects$120644 running 50%
2013-11-23 09:04:00 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe archive NSIS
2013-11-23 09:04:00 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//data0001 ok
2013-11-23 09:04:00 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//$PLUGINSDIR\System.dll ok
2013-11-23 09:04:00 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//$PLUGINSDIR\modern-wizard.bmp ok
2013-11-23 09:04:00 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//$PLUGINSDIR\nsDialogs.dll ok
2013-11-23 09:04:00 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//$PLUGINSDIR\StartMenu.dll ok
2013-11-23 09:04:00 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//$PLUGINSDIR\modern-header.bmp ok
2013-11-23 09:04:00 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//$PLUGINSDIR\i-scratchdir.ini ok
2013-11-23 09:04:00 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//$PLUGINSDIR\i-desktopicons.ini ok
2013-11-23 09:04:00 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//data0009 ok
2013-11-23 09:04:01 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe packed PE_Patch
2013-11-23 09:04:01 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//PE_Patch archive CAB
2013-11-23 09:04:02 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//PE_Patch// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:02 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//PE_Patch//vc_red.msi archive Embedded
2013-11-23 09:04:02 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//PE_Patch//vc_red.msi//SxsUninstallCA ok
2013-11-23 09:04:02 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//PE_Patch//vc_red.msi//BIN_DDSESTUB_x86 ok
2013-11-23 09:04:02 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//PE_Patch//vc_red.msi ok
2013-11-23 09:04:02 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//PE_Patch//.\install.exe ok
2013-11-23 09:04:02 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//PE_Patch//.\install.res.1033.dll ok
2013-11-23 09:04:02 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//PE_Patch//.\install.res.1042.dll ok
2013-11-23 09:04:02 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//PE_Patch//.\install.res.1041.dll ok
2013-11-23 09:04:02 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//PE_Patch//.\install.res.1049.dll ok
2013-11-23 09:04:02 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//PE_Patch//.\install.res.1040.dll ok
2013-11-23 09:04:02 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//PE_Patch//.\install.res.1036.dll ok
2013-11-23 09:04:03 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//PE_Patch//.\install.res.3082.dll ok
2013-11-23 09:04:03 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//PE_Patch//.\install.res.1031.dll ok
2013-11-23 09:04:03 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//PE_Patch//.\install.res.1028.dll ok
2013-11-23 09:04:03 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//PE_Patch//.\install.res.2052.dll ok
2013-11-23 09:04:03 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//PE_Patch//.\eula.1033.txt ok
2013-11-23 09:04:03 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//PE_Patch//.\eula.1042.txt ok
2013-11-23 09:04:03 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//PE_Patch//.\eula.1041.txt ok
2013-11-23 09:04:03 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//PE_Patch//.\eula.1049.txt ok
2013-11-23 09:04:03 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//PE_Patch//.\eula.1040.txt ok
2013-11-23 09:04:03 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//PE_Patch//.\eula.1036.txt ok
2013-11-23 09:04:03 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//PE_Patch//.\eula.3082.txt ok
2013-11-23 09:04:03 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//PE_Patch//.\eula.1031.txt ok
2013-11-23 09:04:03 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//PE_Patch//.\eula.1028.txt ok
2013-11-23 09:04:03 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//PE_Patch//.\eula.2052.txt ok
2013-11-23 09:04:03 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//PE_Patch//.\globdata.ini ok
2013-11-23 09:04:03 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//PE_Patch//.\install.ini ok
2013-11-23 09:04:03 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//PE_Patch//.\vcredist.bmp ok
2013-11-23 09:04:03 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//PE_Patch//# ok
2013-11-23 09:04:03 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//PE_Patch//# archive Embedded
2013-11-23 09:04:03 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//PE_Patch//#//SxsUninstallCA ok
2013-11-23 09:04:03 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//PE_Patch//#//BIN_DDSESTUB_x86 ok
2013-11-23 09:04:03 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//PE_Patch//# ok
2013-11-23 09:04:03 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//PE_Patch//# ok
2013-11-23 09:04:03 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//PE_Patch//# ok
2013-11-23 09:04:03 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//PE_Patch//# ok
2013-11-23 09:04:03 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//PE_Patch//# ok
2013-11-23 09:04:03 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//PE_Patch//# ok
2013-11-23 09:04:03 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//PE_Patch//# ok
2013-11-23 09:04:03 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//PE_Patch//# ok
2013-11-23 09:04:03 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//PE_Patch//# ok
2013-11-23 09:04:03 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//PE_Patch//# ok
2013-11-23 09:04:03 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//PE_Patch//# ok
2013-11-23 09:04:03 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//PE_Patch//# ok
2013-11-23 09:04:03 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//PE_Patch//# ok
2013-11-23 09:04:03 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//PE_Patch//# ok
2013-11-23 09:04:03 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//PE_Patch//# ok
2013-11-23 09:04:03 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//PE_Patch//# ok
2013-11-23 09:04:03 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//PE_Patch//# ok
2013-11-23 09:04:03 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//PE_Patch//# ok
2013-11-23 09:04:03 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//PE_Patch//# ok
2013-11-23 09:04:03 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//PE_Patch//# ok
2013-11-23 09:04:03 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//PE_Patch//# ok
2013-11-23 09:04:03 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//PE_Patch//# ok
2013-11-23 09:04:03 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//PE_Patch//# ok
2013-11-23 09:04:03 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//PE_Patch//# ok
2013-11-23 09:04:03 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//PE_Patch//# ok
2013-11-23 09:04:03 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//PE_Patch//# ok
2013-11-23 09:04:03 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//PE_Patch//# ok
2013-11-23 09:04:04 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//PE_Patch ok
2013-11-23 09:04:04 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//# ok
2013-11-23 09:04:04 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//# archive Embedded
2013-11-23 09:04:04 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//#//SxsUninstallCA ok
2013-11-23 09:04:04 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//#//BIN_DDSESTUB_x86 ok
2013-11-23 09:04:04 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//# ok
2013-11-23 09:04:04 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//# ok
2013-11-23 09:04:04 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//# ok
2013-11-23 09:04:04 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//# ok
2013-11-23 09:04:04 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//# ok
2013-11-23 09:04:04 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//# ok
2013-11-23 09:04:04 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//# ok
2013-11-23 09:04:04 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//# ok
2013-11-23 09:04:04 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//# ok
2013-11-23 09:04:04 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//# ok
2013-11-23 09:04:04 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//# ok
2013-11-23 09:04:04 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//# ok
2013-11-23 09:04:04 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//# ok
2013-11-23 09:04:04 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//# ok
2013-11-23 09:04:04 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//# ok
2013-11-23 09:04:04 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//# ok
2013-11-23 09:04:04 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//# ok
2013-11-23 09:04:04 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//# ok
2013-11-23 09:04:04 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//# ok
2013-11-23 09:04:04 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//# ok
2013-11-23 09:04:04 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//# ok
2013-11-23 09:04:04 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//# ok
2013-11-23 09:04:04 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//# ok
2013-11-23 09:04:04 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//# ok
2013-11-23 09:04:04 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//# ok
2013-11-23 09:04:04 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//# ok
2013-11-23 09:04:04 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe//# ok
2013-11-23 09:04:04 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//vcredist_x86.exe ok
2013-11-23 09:04:04 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//ExampleJavaNodes.brg ok
2013-11-23 09:04:04 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//log.xsd ok
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2013-11-23 09:04:07 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//PropertyException.html ok
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2013-11-23 09:04:11 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//TestLogging.brg ok
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2013-11-23 09:04:12 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//OutputDelimited.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:12 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//Python.ico ok
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2013-11-23 09:04:12 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//Switch2Bill.bmp ok
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2013-11-23 09:04:12 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//asn1input.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:12 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//back.ico ok
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2013-11-23 09:04:12 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//basic-usage.ths ok
2013-11-23 09:04:12 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//basic.ths ok
2013-11-23 09:04:12 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//brain.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:12 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//brainscript.xml ok
2013-11-23 09:04:12 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//brainscriptKeywords.txt ok
2013-11-23 09:04:12 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//brainscriptexpr.xml ok
2013-11-23 09:04:12 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//bre.bmp ok
2013-11-23 09:04:12 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//bre.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:13 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//bre.ths ok
2013-11-23 09:04:13 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//breadcrumb_separator.bmp ok
2013-11-23 09:04:13 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//browse.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:13 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//bypass.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:13 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//cat.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:13 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//change_color.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:13 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//change_icon.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:13 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//chart.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:13 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//chart_pie.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:13 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//checkpoint.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:13 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//clear_status.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:13 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//closed.gif ok
2013-11-23 09:04:13 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//cobolcircular.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:13 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//cobolinput.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:13 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//code_R.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:13 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//code_line.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:13 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//column-chart.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:13 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//composite.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:13 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//connect.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:13 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//convert.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:13 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//converttolibrary.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:13 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//copy.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:13 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//crud.bmp ok
2013-11-23 09:04:13 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//cup.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:13 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//cut.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:13 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//dataAnalyzer.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:13 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//datareader.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:13 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//dbloader.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:13 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//declare_parameters.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:13 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//delete.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:13 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//deploy.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:13 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//diff.bmp ok
2013-11-23 09:04:13 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//dimensionalAnalysis.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:13 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//disconnect.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:13 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//dm1.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:13 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//dm2.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:13 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//dm3.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:13 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//dm4.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:13 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//dm5.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:13 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//dm6.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:13 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//dm7.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:14 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//dm8.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:14 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//doc.gif ok
2013-11-23 09:04:14 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//document_chart.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:14 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//dot-chart.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:14 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//dot1.tga ok
2013-11-23 09:04:14 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//dot2.tga ok
2013-11-23 09:04:14 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//dot3.tga ok
2013-11-23 09:04:14 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//dot4.tga ok
2013-11-23 09:04:14 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//dot5.tga ok
2013-11-23 09:04:14 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//dot6.tga ok
2013-11-23 09:04:14 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//dot7.tga ok
2013-11-23 09:04:14 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//duplicates.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:14 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//edit.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:14 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//edit_choices.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:14 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//environment_network.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:14 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//expert.ths ok
2013-11-23 09:04:14 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//expert.xml ok
2013-11-23 09:04:14 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//export.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:14 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//extract.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:14 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//fatfinger.bmp ok
2013-11-23 09:04:14 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//fields.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:14 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//filter.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:14 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//filter_add.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:14 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//fixed.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:14 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//folder_up.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:14 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//forward.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:14 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//gantt-chart.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:14 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//gauge.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:14 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//generate_sql.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:14 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//goto.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:14 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//group.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:14 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//head.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:14 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//help.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:14 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//herefile.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:14 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//http.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:14 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//iconshader.bmp ok
2013-11-23 09:04:14 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//iconshadersel.bmp ok
2013-11-23 09:04:14 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//import.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:14 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//infile.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:14 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//infile_multiple.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:14 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//intervalInspection.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:14 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//join.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:14 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//lava.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:14 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//library.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:14 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//logo.tga ok
2013-11-23 09:04:14 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//logo_150.bmp ok
2013-11-23 09:04:14 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//logo_200x26.bmp ok
2013-11-23 09:04:14 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//ls_window.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:14 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//mail.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:15 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//mandatory.bmp ok
2013-11-23 09:04:15 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//monitor.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:15 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//move_down.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:15 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//move_up.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:15 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//nonexec.bmp ok
2013-11-23 09:04:15 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//open.gif ok
2013-11-23 09:04:15 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//outputraw.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:15 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//paste.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:15 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//perlfunc.bmp ok
2013-11-23 09:04:15 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//pie-chart.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:15 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//pie-chart_view.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:15 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//presentation_chart.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:15 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//print.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:15 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//pythonfilter.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:15 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//pythonfunc.bmp ok
2013-11-23 09:04:15 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//query.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:15 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//querydump.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:15 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//querydumpplus.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:15 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//radar-chart.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:15 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//rotatefile.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:15 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//run.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:15 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//sampler.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:15 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//save.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:15 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//selmask.tga ok
2013-11-23 09:04:15 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//serverCon.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:15 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//serverDiscon.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:15 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//simple.ths ok
2013-11-23 09:04:15 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//simplenode.ths ok
2013-11-23 09:04:15 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//slash.bmp ok
2013-11-23 09:04:15 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//sort.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:15 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//spreadsheet.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:15 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//sql_wizard.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:15 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//sqlrunner.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:15 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//standardDeviation.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:15 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//status.bmp ok
2013-11-23 09:04:15 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//status_done.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:15 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//status_error.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:15 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//status_working.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:15 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//statusled.tga ok
2013-11-23 09:04:15 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//stop.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:15 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//stub.bmp ok
2013-11-23 09:04:15 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//tail.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:15 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//text.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:15 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//text_marked.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:15 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//toggle_log.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:15 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//tool.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:15 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//view.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//brainscriptInfix.api ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//brainscriptPrefix.api ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//main.html ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//jumpfile.txt ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//main.html ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//jumpfile.txt ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//main.html ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//jumpfile.txt ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//checksum.txt ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//main.html ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//jumpfile.txt ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//checksum.txt ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//main.html ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//jumpfile.txt ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//checksum.txt ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//main.html ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//jumpfile.txt ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//checksum.txt ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//main.html ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//jumpfile.txt ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//checksum.txt ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//main.html ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//jumpfile.txt ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//checksum.txt ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//main.html ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//jumpfile.txt ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//checksum.txt ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//main.html ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//jumpfile.txt ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//checksum.txt ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//main.html ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//jumpfile.txt ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//tags.css ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//tags.xml ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//tags.xsl ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//general.css ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//ie6LaeHelp.css ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//laeHelp.css ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//laeHelpPrint.css ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//bkgd_table_cell_dark_top_bottom.jpg ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//bkgd_table_cell_light_top_bottom.jpg ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//divider.gif ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//logo.gif ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//closed.gif ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//crims.gif ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//crims26.gif ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//dpurp.gif ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//glossary.gif ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//gray.gif ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//logo_150.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//open.gif ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//printer.gif ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//purp.gif ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//seltab.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//transparent.gif ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//classList.js ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//laeHelp.js ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//Field Helper Dialog.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//Field Helper Widget.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//activateLicense.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//application_menu.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//brdViewerClearMarkedRecords_icon.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//brdViewerInvertDefaultColor_icon.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//brdViewerMarkRecordsBlue_icon.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//brdViewerMarkRecordsRed_icon.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//brdviewer - histogram.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//brdviewer - sort.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//bre log.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//bre status fail.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//bre status success.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//bre toolbar.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//changeInheritedParameterGroup.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//clearstatus_icon.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//declare_parameters_button.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//declare_parameters_screen.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//edit base libraries.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//edit box.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//enterLicenseManual.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//find nodes.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//icon_new.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//icon_open.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//inFlow - basicUsage - afterRun.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//inFlow - basicUsage - beforeRun.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//inFlow - resizing - resized.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//inFlow - resizing - resizing.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//inheritedParameterGroupOverrides.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//libraries_editLibrary.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//library configuration.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//library palette.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//library vs regular nodes.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//line counts.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//logViewerDataDetails.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//logViewerDetails.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//logViewerFilterEntries.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//logViewerManageFilters.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//logViewerNodeTree.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:16 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//logViewerShowColumns.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//logviewer - overview.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//main_bre_window.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//navigation toolbar.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//node dependencies.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//node status.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//node_editor.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//parameter_node_config.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//parameter_resolution.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//preferences - Data Viewers.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//preferences - advanced.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//preferences - alerts.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//preferences - display modes.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//preferences - execution.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//preferences - general.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//preferences - library groups - edit.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//preferences - library groups.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//preferences - search paths.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//preferences - server farm.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//rerun_icon.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//run_icon.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//serverFarm.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//serverStatus.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//status bar.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//stop_icon.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//systemLicenseInformation.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//unlicensedUnregistered.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//view data.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//view data2.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//visualizer_composite.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//visualizer_composite_ne.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//visualizer_composite_resized.png ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//tree.css ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//createBrainscriptExprXml.xsl ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//createBrainscriptXml.xsl ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//createKeywordFile.xsl ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//mapping.txt ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//printable.xsl ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//tableOfContents.xsl ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//transform.xsl ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//tableOfContents.xsl ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//transform.xsl ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//mainGlossary.xsl ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//mainTableOfContents.xsl ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//mainTransformation.xsl ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//utils_logic.xsl ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//utils_strings.xsl ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//utils_ui.xsl ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//getJumpFile.xsl ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//getNodesList.xsl ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//mapping.txt ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//printable_Developer_Documentation.xsl ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//printable_Expanded_Documentation.xsl ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//printable_Functional_Documentation.xsl ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//printable_Nodes_by_Status.xsl ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//tableOfContents.xsl ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//transform.xsl ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//transform_Developer_Documentation.xsl ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//transform_Expanded_Documentation.xsl ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//transform_Functional_Documentation.xsl ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//transform_Nodes_by_Status.xsl ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//glossary.xsl ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//printable.xsl ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//tableOfContents.xsl ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//transform.xsl ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//transformNonTopLevelNodes.xsl ok
2013-11-23 09:04:17 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//transform.xsl ok
2013-11-23 09:04:18 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//bre.exe ok
2013-11-23 09:04:18 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//liblac_win32_x86.dll ok
2013-11-23 09:04:18 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//lmxjava.dll//# ok
2013-11-23 09:04:18 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//lmxjava.dll ok
2013-11-23 09:04:18 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//tool.rdf ok
2013-11-23 09:04:18 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//BRESplash.jpg ok
2013-11-23 09:04:18 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//_hashlib.pyd ok
2013-11-23 09:04:18 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//_socket.pyd ok
2013-11-23 09:04:18 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//_ssl.pyd ok
2013-11-23 09:04:18 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//_win32sysloader.pyd ok
2013-11-23 09:04:18 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//brdViewer.exe packed Py2Exe
2013-11-23 09:04:18 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//brdViewer.exe//Py2Exe archive Py2Bin
2013-11-23 09:04:18 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//brdViewer.exe//Py2Exe//boot_common.pyc ok
2013-11-23 09:04:18 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//brdViewer.exe//Py2Exe//brdViewer.pyc ok
2013-11-23 09:04:18 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//brdViewer.exe//Py2Exe ok
2013-11-23 09:04:18 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//brdViewer.exe ok
2013-11-23 09:04:18 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//brdViewer.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:18 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//brdViewer.lst ok
2013-11-23 09:04:18 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//brdViewer_Colorizer.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:18 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//brdViewer_Copy.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:18 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//brdViewer_CopyExcel.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:18 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//brdViewer_Examiner.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:18 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//brdViewer_Find.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:18 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//brdViewer_FindAgain.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:18 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//brdViewer_Histogram.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//brdViewer_MarkBlue.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//brdViewer_MarkClear.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//brdViewer_MarkInvert.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//brdViewer_MarkRed.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//brdViewer_Open.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//brdViewer_SaveAsBrain.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//brdViewer_SaveAsExcel.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//brdViewer_Sort.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//brdViewer_StaticData.ico ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//bz2.pyd ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//csvConverter.exe packed Py2Exe
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//csvConverter.exe//Py2Exe archive Py2Bin
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//csvConverter.exe//Py2Exe//boot_common.pyc ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//csvConverter.exe//Py2Exe//csvConverter.pyc ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//csvConverter.exe//Py2Exe ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//csvConverter.exe ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//csvConverter.lst ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//helpGenerator.exe packed Py2Exe
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//helpGenerator.exe//Py2Exe archive Py2Bin
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//helpGenerator.exe//Py2Exe//boot_common.pyc ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//helpGenerator.exe//Py2Exe//helpGenerator.pyc ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//helpGenerator.exe//Py2Exe ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//helpGenerator.exe ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//helpGenerator.lst ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//helpGeneratorGui.exe packed Py2Exe
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//helpGeneratorGui.exe//Py2Exe archive Py2Bin
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//helpGeneratorGui.exe//Py2Exe//boot_common.pyc ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//helpGeneratorGui.exe//Py2Exe//helpGeneratorGui.pyc ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//helpGeneratorGui.exe//Py2Exe ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//helpGeneratorGui.exe ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//helpGeneratorGui.lst ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//helpViewer.exe packed Py2Exe
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//helpViewer.exe//Py2Exe archive Py2Bin
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//helpViewer.exe//Py2Exe//boot_common.pyc ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//helpViewer.exe//Py2Exe//helpViewer.pyc ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//helpViewer.exe//Py2Exe ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//helpViewer.exe ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe//helpViewer.lst ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// archive ZIP
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:19 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// archive ZIP
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:20 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok
2013-11-23 09:04:21 LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe// ok


; --- Statistics ---
; Time Start: 2013-11-23 09:03:59
; Time Finish: 2013-11-23 09:20:44
; Completion: 100%
; Processed objects: 114196
; Total detected: 0
; Detected exact: 0
; Suspicions: 0
; Treats detected: 0
; Untreated: 0
; Disinfected: 0
; Quarantined: 0
; Deleted: 0
; Skipped: 0
; Archived: 523
; Packed: 10
; Password protected: 0
; Corrupted: 0
; Errors: 0
; Last object:
; ------------------

NOD32 Scan-Bericht: Sauber

ECLS Command-line scanner, version 6.0.316.0, (C) 1992-2013 ESET, spol. s r.o.
Module loader, version 1043 (20130415), build 1051
Module perseus, version 1412 (20131023), build 1551
Module scanner, version 9085 (20131122), build 15995
Module archiver, version 1183 (20131029), build 1152
Module advheur, version 1143 (20130909), build 1108
Module cleaner, version 1080 (20131029), build 1102

Command line: --base-dir=d:\av\eset /log-rewrite /log-all /files /no-boots /no-heur /no-adv-heur /mail /sfx /rtp /adware /unsafe /unwanted /pattern /action=none /no-quarantine /log-file=d:\scanner\output.tmp LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe

Scan started at: 11/23/13 08:51:22
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe", threat="", action="", info="archive damaged"
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - Entries.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - Strings.txt", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - Script.nsi", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - System.dll", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - modern-wizard.bmp", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - nsDialogs.dll", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - StartMenu.dll", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - modern-header.bmp", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - vcredist_x86.exe", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - ExampleJavaNodes.brg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - log.xsd", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - BRAINScript0Quick0Reference.pdf", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - Java0Node0Getting0Started.pdf", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - LAE0(BRAIN)0Release0Notes0to04.1.8.pdf", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - LAE0Release0Notes.pdf", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - allclasses-frame.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - allclasses-noframe.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - constant-values.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - deprecated-list.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - help-doc.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - index-all.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - index.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - overview-frame.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - overview-summary.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - overview-tree.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - serialized-form.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - stylesheet.css", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - AbstractNode.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - ErrorCodes.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - Node.DependencySignalMode.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - Node.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - NodeFailedException.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - SimplifiedNode.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - package-frame.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - package-summary.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - package-tree.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - NodeInput.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - NodeIo.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - NodeOutput.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - RecordingNodeInput.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - RecordingNodeOutput.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - WrappingNodeInput.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - WrappingNodeOutput.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - package-frame.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - package-summary.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - package-tree.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - FieldMetadata.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - Record.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - RecordInput.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - RecordIo.State.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - RecordIo.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - RecordMetadata.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - RecordOutput.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - RecordingIo.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - RecordingRecordInput.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - RecordingRecordOutput.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - SimpleFieldMetadata.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - SimpleRecord.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - SimpleRecordMetadata.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - WrappingRecordInput.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - WrappingRecordIo.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - WrappingRecordOutput.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - package-frame.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - package-summary.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - package-tree.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - Date.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - Null.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - Time.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - TimeStamp.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - UnicodeString.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - package-frame.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - package-summary.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - package-tree.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - DetailProvider.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - ErrorCode.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - ErrorMessage.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - ErrorMessageProvider.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - LogDetail.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - LogLevel.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - LoggableException.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - LoggableRuntimeException.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - Logger.GroupType.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - Logger.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - Logging.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - Message.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - MessageCode.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - package-frame.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - package-summary.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - package-tree.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - AbstractDetailProvider.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - DataDetail.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - DataDetailProvider.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - RecordDetail.FieldType.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - RecordDetail.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - package-frame.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - package-summary.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - package-tree.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - Properties.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - PropertyException.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - package-frame.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - package-summary.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - package-tree.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - 4Suite.license", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - Amara.license", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - GNU0LESSER0GENERAL0PUBLIC0LICENSE0for0jlibs-core0jlibs-xml0jlibs-xmldog.license", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - ICU.license", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - IODBC.license", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - PCRE.license", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - PuTTY.license", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - Python.license", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - apachePOI.license", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - batik.license", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - dom4j.license", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - elementtree.license", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - freetds.license", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - gpp.license", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - hamcrest.license", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - hypersql.license", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - jcommons.license", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - jfreechart.license", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - junit.license", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - log4j.license", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - openssl.license", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - scite.license", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - sybase-python.license", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - xlrd.license", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - xlwt.license", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - xml-beans.license", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - TestAnalytics.brg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - TestBasic.brg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - TestBrainScript.brg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - TestCore.brg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - TestExpert.brg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - TestExcelFile.brg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - TestOutputExcel.brg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - TestFunctions.brg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - TestLAE.brg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - TestLogging.brg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - TestSimple.brg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - TestSupport.brg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - TestUnicode.brg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - test.brg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - analytics.brg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - basic.brg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - core.brg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - simple.brg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - inFlow.brg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - new.brg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - BSTransforms.csv", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - CallByCallSliding.bmp", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - Clock.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - CombineLineResultsFiles.bmp", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - ConvertNonBrain.bmp", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - ConvertPositional.bmp", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - DirectoryList.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - DummyInput.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - ExecuteSubgraph.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - FilesFromLibrary.bmp", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - FinalizeCombineLineResultsFiles.bmp", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - FindCallsInBoth.bmp", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - HashSplit.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - InitializeCombineLineResultsFiles.bmp", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - Invoice2Bill.bmp", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - LineMatcher.bmp", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - MakeOrigTerm.bmp", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - MergeSortedUsage.bmp", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - MultiMatcher.bmp", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - OutputDelimited.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - Python.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - ReplaceTextRules.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - Switch2Bill.bmp", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - TransportAccess.bmp", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - UsageReader.bmp", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - accum.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - add_bookmark.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - analytics.ths", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - asn1analyzer.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - asn1circular.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - asn1input.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - back.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - band.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - basic-usage.ths", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - basic.ths", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - brain.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - brainscript.xml", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - brainscriptKeywords.txt", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - brainscriptexpr.xml", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - bre.bmp", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - bre.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - bre.ths", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - breadcrumb_separator.bmp", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - browse.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - bypass.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - cat.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - change_color.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - change_icon.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - chart.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - chart_pie.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - checkpoint.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - clear_status.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - closed.gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - cobolcircular.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - cobolinput.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - code_R.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - code_line.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - column-chart.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - composite.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - connect.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - convert.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - converttolibrary.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - copy.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - crud.bmp", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - cup.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - cut.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - dataAnalyzer.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - datareader.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - dbloader.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - declare_parameters.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - delete.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - deploy.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - diff.bmp", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - dimensionalAnalysis.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - disconnect.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - dm1.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - dm2.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - dm3.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - dm4.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - dm5.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - dm6.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - dm7.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - dm8.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - doc.gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - document_chart.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - dot-chart.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - dot1.tga", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - dot2.tga", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - dot3.tga", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - dot4.tga", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - dot5.tga", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - dot6.tga", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - dot7.tga", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - duplicates.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - edit.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - edit_choices.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - environment_network.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - expert.ths", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - expert.xml", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - export.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - extract.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - fatfinger.bmp", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - fields.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - filter.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - filter_add.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - fixed.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - folder_up.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - forward.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - gantt-chart.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - gauge.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - generate_sql.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - goto.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - group.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - head.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - help.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - herefile.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - http.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - iconshader.bmp", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - iconshadersel.bmp", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - import.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - infile.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - infile_multiple.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - intervalInspection.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - join.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - lava.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - library.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - logo.tga", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - logo_150.bmp", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - logo_200x26.bmp", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - ls_window.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - mail.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - mandatory.bmp", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - monitor.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - move_down.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - move_up.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - nonexec.bmp", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - open.gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - outputraw.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - paste.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - perlfunc.bmp", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - pie-chart.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - pie-chart_view.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - presentation_chart.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - print.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - pythonfilter.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - pythonfunc.bmp", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - query.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - querydump.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - querydumpplus.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - radar-chart.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - rotatefile.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - run.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - sampler.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - save.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - selmask.tga", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - serverCon.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - serverDiscon.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - simple.ths", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - simplenode.ths", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - slash.bmp", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - sort.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - spreadsheet.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - sql_wizard.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - sqlrunner.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - standardDeviation.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - status.bmp", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - status_done.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - status_error.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - status_working.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - statusled.tga", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - stop.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - stub.bmp", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - tail.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - text.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - text_marked.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - toggle_log.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - tool.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - view.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - brainscriptInfix.api", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - brainscriptPrefix.api", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - main.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - jumpfile.txt", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - main.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - jumpfile.txt", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - main.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - jumpfile.txt", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - checksum.txt", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - main.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - jumpfile.txt", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - checksum.txt", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - main.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - jumpfile.txt", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - checksum.txt", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - main.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - jumpfile.txt", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - checksum.txt", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - main.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - jumpfile.txt", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - checksum.txt", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - main.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - jumpfile.txt", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - checksum.txt", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - main.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - jumpfile.txt", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - checksum.txt", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - main.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - jumpfile.txt", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - checksum.txt", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - main.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - jumpfile.txt", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - tags.css", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - tags.xml", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - tags.xsl", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - general.css", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - ie6LaeHelp.css", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - laeHelp.css", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - laeHelpPrint.css", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - bkgd_table_cell_dark_top_bottom.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - bkgd_table_cell_light_top_bottom.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - divider.gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - logo.gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - closed.gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - crims.gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - crims26.gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - dpurp.gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - glossary.gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - gray.gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - logo_150.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - open.gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - printer.gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - purp.gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - seltab.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - transparent.gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - classList.js", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - laeHelp.js", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - Field0Helper0Dialog.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - Field0Helper0Widget.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - activateLicense.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - application_menu.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - brdViewerClearMarkedRecords_icon.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - brdViewerInvertDefaultColor_icon.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - brdViewerMarkRecordsBlue_icon.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - brdViewerMarkRecordsRed_icon.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - brdviewer0-0histogram.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - brdviewer0-0sort.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - bre0log.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - bre0status0fail.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - bre0status0success.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - bre0toolbar.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - changeInheritedParameterGroup.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - clearstatus_icon.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - declare_parameters_button.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - declare_parameters_screen.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - edit0base0libraries.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - edit0box.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - enterLicenseManual.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - find0nodes.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - icon_new.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - icon_open.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - inFlow0-0basicUsage0-0afterRun.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - inFlow0-0basicUsage0-0beforeRun.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - inFlow0-0resizing0-0resized.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - inFlow0-0resizing0-0resizing.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - inheritedParameterGroupOverrides.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - libraries_editLibrary.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - library0configuration.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - library0palette.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - library0vs0regular0nodes.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - line0counts.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - logViewerDataDetails.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - logViewerDetails.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - logViewerFilterEntries.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - logViewerManageFilters.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - logViewerNodeTree.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - logViewerShowColumns.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - logviewer0-0overview.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - main_bre_window.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - navigation0toolbar.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - node0dependencies.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - node0status.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - node_editor.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - parameter_node_config.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - parameter_resolution.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - preferences0-0Data0Viewers.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - preferences0-0advanced.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - preferences0-0alerts.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - preferences0-0display0modes.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - preferences0-0execution.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - preferences0-0general.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - preferences0-0library0groups0-0edit.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - preferences0-0library0groups.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - preferences0-0search0paths.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - preferences0-0server0farm.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - rerun_icon.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - run_icon.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - serverFarm.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - serverStatus.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - status0bar.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - stop_icon.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - systemLicenseInformation.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - unlicensedUnregistered.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - view0data.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - view0data2.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - visualizer_composite.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - visualizer_composite_ne.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - visualizer_composite_resized.png", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - tree.css", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - createBrainscriptExprXml.xsl", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - createBrainscriptXml.xsl", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - createKeywordFile.xsl", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - mapping.txt", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - printable.xsl", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - tableOfContents.xsl", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - transform.xsl", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - tableOfContents.xsl", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - transform.xsl", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - mainGlossary.xsl", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - mainTableOfContents.xsl", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - mainTransformation.xsl", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - utils_logic.xsl", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - utils_strings.xsl", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - utils_ui.xsl", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - getJumpFile.xsl", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - getNodesList.xsl", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - mapping.txt", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - printable_Developer_Documentation.xsl", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - printable_Expanded_Documentation.xsl", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - printable_Functional_Documentation.xsl", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - printable_Nodes_by_Status.xsl", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - tableOfContents.xsl", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - transform.xsl", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - transform_Developer_Documentation.xsl", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - transform_Expanded_Documentation.xsl", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - transform_Functional_Documentation.xsl", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - transform_Nodes_by_Status.xsl", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - glossary.xsl", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - printable.xsl", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - tableOfContents.xsl", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - transform.xsl", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - transformNonTopLevelNodes.xsl", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - transform.xsl", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - bre.exe", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - liblac_win32_x86.dll", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - lmxjava.dll", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - tool.rdf", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - BRESplash.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - _hashlib.pyd", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - _socket.pyd", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - _ssl.pyd", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - _win32sysloader.pyd", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - brdViewer.exe", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - brdViewer.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - brdViewer.lst", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - brdViewer_Colorizer.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - brdViewer_Copy.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - brdViewer_CopyExcel.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - brdViewer_Examiner.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - brdViewer_Find.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - brdViewer_FindAgain.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - brdViewer_Histogram.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - brdViewer_MarkBlue.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - brdViewer_MarkClear.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - brdViewer_MarkInvert.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - brdViewer_MarkRed.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - brdViewer_Open.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - brdViewer_SaveAsBrain.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - brdViewer_SaveAsExcel.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - brdViewer_Sort.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - brdViewer_StaticData.ico", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - bz2.pyd", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - csvConverter.exe", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - csvConverter.lst", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - helpGenerator.exe", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - helpGenerator.lst", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - helpGeneratorGui.exe", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - helpGeneratorGui.lst", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - helpViewer.exe", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - helpViewer.lst", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS -", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - _hashlib.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - _socket.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - _ssl.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - _win32sysloader.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - bz2.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - pyexpat.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - select.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - unicodedata.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - win32api.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - win32com/shell/shell.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - win32pipe.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - win32ui.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - wx/_controls_.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - wx/_core_.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - wx/_gdi_.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - wx/_grid.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - wx/_html.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - wx/_misc_.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - wx/_windows_.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - StringIO.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - UserDict.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - __future__.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - _abcoll.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - _strptime.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - _threading_local.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - _weakrefset.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - abc.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - atexit.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - base64.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - bdb.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - bisect.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - calendar.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - cmd.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - codecs.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - collections.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - copy.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - copy_reg.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - csv.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - decimal.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - difflib.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - dis.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - distutils/__init__.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - distutils/errors.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - distutils/log.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - distutils/spawn.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - distutils/sysconfig.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - distutils/text_file.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - doctest.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - dummy_thread.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/__init__.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/aliases.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/ascii.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/base64_codec.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/big5.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/big5hkscs.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/bz2_codec.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/charmap.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/cp037.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/cp1006.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/cp1026.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/cp1140.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/cp1250.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/cp1251.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/cp1252.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/cp1253.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/cp1254.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/cp1255.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/cp1256.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/cp1257.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/cp1258.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/cp424.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/cp437.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/cp500.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/cp720.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/cp737.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/cp775.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/cp850.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/cp852.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/cp855.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/cp856.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/cp857.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/cp858.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/cp860.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/cp861.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/cp862.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/cp863.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/cp864.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/cp865.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/cp866.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/cp869.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/cp874.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/cp875.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/cp932.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/cp949.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/cp950.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/euc_jis_2004.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/euc_jisx0213.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/euc_jp.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/euc_kr.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/gb18030.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/gb2312.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/gbk.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/hex_codec.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/hp_roman8.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/hz.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/idna.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/iso2022_jp.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/iso2022_jp_1.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/iso2022_jp_2.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/iso2022_jp_2004.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/iso2022_jp_3.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/iso2022_jp_ext.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/iso2022_kr.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/iso8859_1.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/iso8859_10.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/iso8859_11.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/iso8859_13.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/iso8859_14.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/iso8859_15.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/iso8859_16.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/iso8859_2.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/iso8859_3.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/iso8859_4.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/iso8859_5.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/iso8859_6.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/iso8859_7.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/iso8859_8.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/iso8859_9.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/johab.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/koi8_r.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/koi8_u.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/latin_1.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/mac_arabic.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/mac_centeuro.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/mac_croatian.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/mac_cyrillic.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/mac_farsi.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/mac_greek.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/mac_iceland.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/mac_latin2.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/mac_roman.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/mac_romanian.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/mac_turkish.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/mbcs.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/palmos.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/ptcp154.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/punycode.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/quopri_codec.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/raw_unicode_escape.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/rot_13.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/shift_jis.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/shift_jis_2004.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/shift_jisx0213.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/string_escape.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/tis_620.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/undefined.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/unicode_escape.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/unicode_internal.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/utf_16.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/utf_16_be.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/utf_16_le.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/utf_32.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/utf_32_be.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/utf_32_le.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/utf_7.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/utf_8.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/utf_8_sig.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/uu_codec.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - encodings/zlib_codec.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - fnmatch.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - functools.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - genericpath.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - getopt.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - gettext.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - glob.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - gzip.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - hashlib.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - heapq.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - inspect.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - io.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - keyword.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - linecache.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - locale.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - logging/__init__.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - new.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - ntpath.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - numbers.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - opcode.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - optparse.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - os.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - os2emxpath.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - pdb.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - pickle.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - platform.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - plistlib.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - posixpath.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - pprint.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - py_compile.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - quopri.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - random.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - re.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - repr.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - shlex.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - shutil.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - socket.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - sre.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - sre_compile.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - sre_constants.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - sre_parse.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - ssl.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - stat.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - string.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - stringprep.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - struct.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - subprocess.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - tarfile.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - tempfile.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - textwrap.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - threading.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - token.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - tokenize.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - traceback.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - types.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - unittest/__init__.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - unittest/case.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - unittest/loader.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - unittest/main.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - unittest/result.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - unittest/runner.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - unittest/signals.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - unittest/suite.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - unittest/util.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - warnings.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - weakref.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - xml/__init__.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - xml/parsers/__init__.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - xml/parsers/expat.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - zipfile.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - pywin/__init__.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - pywin/dialogs/__init__.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - pywin/dialogs/list.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - pywin/dialogs/status.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - pywin/mfc/__init__.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - pywin/mfc/dialog.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - pywin/mfc/object.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - pywin/mfc/thread.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - pywin/mfc/window.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - pythoncom.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - commctrl.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - pywintypes.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - win32con.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - winerror.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - win32com/__init__.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - win32com/client/CLSIDToClass.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - win32com/client/__init__.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - win32com/client/build.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - win32com/client/dynamic.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - win32com/client/gencache.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - win32com/client/genpy.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - win32com/client/makepy.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - win32com/client/selecttlb.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - win32com/client/util.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - win32com/shell/__init__.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - win32com/shell/shellcon.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - wx/__init__.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - wx/__version__.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - wx/_controls.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - wx/_core.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - wx/_gdi.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - wx/_misc.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - wx/_windows.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - wx/grid.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - wx/html.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - jigsaw/__init__.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - jigsaw/dateTimeUtil.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - jigsaw/fileSequencer.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS -", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - _hashlib.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - _socket.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - _ssl.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - bz2.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - pyexpat.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - select.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - unicodedata.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - win32api.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - win32pipe.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - StringIO.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - UserDict.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - __future__.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - _abcoll.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - _strptime.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - _threading_local.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - _weakrefset.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - abc.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - atexit.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - base64.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - bdb.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - bisect.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - calendar.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - cmd.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - codecs.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - collections.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - copy.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - copy_reg.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - difflib.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - dis.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - doctest.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - - ZIP - dummy_thread.pyc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="LAE 4.6.0 LDR 2.1.0 Setup.exe - NSIS - l

Scan completed at: 11/23/13 08:56:03
Scan time: 281 sec (0:04:41)
Total: files - 1, objects 100901
Infected: files - 0, objects 0
Cleaned: files - 0, objects 0


Sicherheits Anweisungen

1. Installieren Sie einen Antivirus Programm

Damit Sie Ihren Rechner von Malware beschützen, wir empfehlen Ihnen immer einen Antivirus Programm installiert zu haben, vor allem wenn Sie herunterladen oder neue Programme vom Internet installieren. Mindestens einmal am Tag lassen Sie den Programm sich zu aktualisieren. Das wird Ihren Antivirus Programm ermöglichen aktualisiert zu bleiben von allen Badware Drohungen und wird besser Ihren Daten schützen.

Wenn Sie keinen Antivirus Programm haben, können Sie sich einz aus unseren Empfehlungen auswählen: Avast Free, AVG Free, Avira Free, Bitdefender, Kaspersky (50% Discount), NOD32.

2. Suchen Sie sich einen sicheren Webbrowser aus

Ein wichtiger Aspekt, den Sie beachten sollten, ist, welchen Webbrowser Sie verwenden. Die meisten Browser nutzen den Internet Explorer und richten ihn so aus, dass Sie eine Alternative bevorzugen. Die derzeit sichersten Webbrowser sind Mozilla Firefox und Google Chrome. Abgesehen davon, dass sie kostenlos sind, sind sie beide schnell, haben Pop-Up-Blocking, Tabbed Browsing, mit Privatsphäre und Sicherheitsfunktionen. Probieren Sie es aus: Herunterladen Mozilla Firefox or Herunterladen Google Chrome.

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